Friday, March 27, 2009

Inspiration: Alaskan Crafty

Everyone gets inspired in different ways. I love to browse through other people's work. I never copy anyone's creations. I don't think I could if I tried! But I love to get ideas, that merge with other ideas and take a life of their own.

I have a folder in my bookmarks called "Inspiration" with links to works that really impress me. Now and then I'd like to draw attention to some of these pieces as they are very deserving.

Today, I want to show off AlaskanCrafty's Red Satin and Pearls.

This piece made me pause in my continuous browsing and do a double-take. There is something so glamorously bold about the beads she chose. I love the satin, almost velvety, look of those big red beads and then classy pearls strung along next to it. It's just enough colour to really catch your eye but not overwhelm you.

I've shown this piece to three friends since I found it earlier today and they all gushed over it.

I want see more. Maybe in some dusty blue beads ... or black...

Check out more of AlaskanCrafty's creations. You won't be disappointed.

Close to my goals!

I made 11 pairs of earrings yesterday which put me very close to my goal of having 50 items in my store by the end of the month.


Tomorrow I will be making some more hemp pieces including at least one necklace.

FREE hemp bracelet

I've decided to give away a free, custom-made hemp bracelet with every purchase over $10 from my etsy store.

The bracelet (or anklet) will be made in natural hemp and you can choose the length, a bead or knot closure and a spiral or square weave. Just send me a note with your purchase!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Personal style

When I was fresh out of high school I spent my days, and as many nights as possible, working at a horse stables. Horse crazy was an understatement.

Most days I would dress in lace-up "Ropers," Wrangles and a tank top. lol I wasn't too concerned about style. But one day some of my friends and I decided we would dye our hair. I chose the boldest red they had. Being a blonde my hair sucked up all the dye and within hours my locks were a cartoon, cherry red. Amused, I decided to paint each of my fingernails a different colour and see how my colleagues and clients reacted at work the next day.

They were surprised of course but no one was as surprised as my Gramma who came out to visit me at work that day and asked my mom "Who's the new girl!?" For years after she'd laugh and tell the story of how she didn't even recognize her own granddaughter.

I've always considered myself to be very flexible with my 'style.' So flexible that I couldn't define it from one day to the next. Some days I'd be in my 'cowgirl' clothes. Other days I'd clean up, put foam rollers in my hair and wear a silk scarf around my neck. (Not to work at the stables of course.) Sometimes I'd be in bold colours, other days neutrals and classics.

It wasn't until I started to make jewellery that I really began to evaluate what my 'style' is. I found that my pieces were always 'clean' looking with a little special something. Some of my favourite pieces are single strand necklaces and even, smooth, high-quality beads.

That doesn't mean I won't make a 10-strand necklace with fuchsia and lime green at some point. Or possibly taking relics I find at the thrift store and creating something new and amazing. It just means that my style leans towards simple and elegant.

This was all reaffirmed to me when I was browsing a high-end jewellery store in the mall and the sales clerk looked me up and down, and studied the rings I was asking to look at. "Your style is 'classy elegance'" she said. Ahhh. That hit home. Sure there are many days that I don't get out of my pjs but in my heart 'classy elegance' defintely suits me. It can be reflected in many of the jewellery pieces I make as well as my own sense of style - even if that's only visible in my head!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

FREE hemp bracelet + free shipping

Tonight on Etsy I'm giving away a hemp bracelet with every purchase as well as offering free shipping on all items.

If you take advantage of this sale please specify what length you want your bracelet to be. 7" in average for women and 8" for men. I will also make them with or without beads. I'm not able to offer special colour choices for this sale. Both the beads and hemp will be in neutral colours.

I am able to do custom colours for both beads and hemp if you want to make a separate purchase of a hemp bracelet, necklace or anklet.

Check out my etsy store for more info and products that are for sale.

This sale starts at 5:00 pm eastern time (2 p.m. pacific). Please put SNS (saturday night sale) in the details box.

Friday, March 13, 2009


My mind is buzzing. I'm motivated. Especially after the Sneak Attack.

What I need it goals and I'm laying it all out here.

It's March 13 and I currently have 20 items for sale in my store.

I'd like to have 50, yes 50, items in my store by the end of the month. :o

Those items will include new gemstone, chainmail and hemp creations.

I'd also like to get ONE follower to my blog. That could be YOU.

AND I'd like five more 'hearts' for my etsy store. Currently I have eight hearts so I need a total of 13 by the end of March.

We're on our way... :D

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sneak attack

The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of activity for me and my store.

We just got up and running less then two weeks ago and things were slow... ok. Dead. I hadn't been on my store much as I was working on new items to add so I was very surprised when I logged on last night to find I had sold 10 items in a matter of hours.

Thoroughly shocked I messaged a fellow Etsy user ( ) to tell her the news and she quickly figured out that I had been cchosen for a "Sneak Attack."

I'm new to the etsy forums and chat and didn't even realize what a Sneak Attack was. Three times a week a store is chosen and members 'attack' it by buying items and boosting their sales. I was one of those lucky ones and I'm so honoured that the powers that be felt that I was worthy.

Now, I'm busy packaging and labelling items, getting ready for the post office tomorrow.

Thanks everyone who participated! Especially for sponsoring the Sneak Attack.